Wildflower Identification Website
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Search Summary
Category All Plants 1235
Observation Time Now: 2nd week of February 1235
Plant Family Urticaceae 10
Search Results
Click on an image for more information.
Boehmeria grandis
Hawai'i false nettle 98%
Boehmeria grandis
Cecropia obtusifolia
trumpet tree 98%
Cecropia obtusifolia
Neraudia melastomifolia
ma'oloa 98%
Neraudia melastomifolia
Pilea microphylla
rockweed 98%
Pilea microphylla
Pilea peploides
Pacific Island clearweed 98%
Pilea peploides
Pipturus albidus
māmaki 98%
Pipturus albidus
Pipturus kauaiensis
Pipturus kauaiensis 98%
Pipturus kauaiensis
Touchardia latifolia
olona 98%
Touchardia latifolia
Urera glabra
ōpuhe 98%
Urera glabra
Urtica urens
dwarf nettle 98%
Urtica urens
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