Wildflower Identification Website
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Search Summary
Category All Plants 1235
Observation Time Now: last week of October 1235
Plant Family Lamiaceae 19
Search Results
Click on an image for more information.
Clerodendrum chinense
Chinese glorybower 98%
Clerodendrum chinense
Haplostachys haplostachya
honohono 98%
Haplostachys haplostachya
Leonotis nepetifolia
Christmas candlestick 98%
Leonotis nepetifolia
Ocimum basilicum
basil 98%
Ocimum basilicum
Phyllostegia electra
nehe kuhiwa 98%
Phyllostegia electra
Phyllostegia glabra
ulihi phyllostegia 98%
Phyllostegia glabra
Phyllostegia grandiflora
kapana 98%
Phyllostegia grandiflora
Phyllostegia ambigua
mountain phyllostegia 98%
Phyllostegia ambigua
Plectranthus parviflorus
little spurflower 98%
Plectranthus parviflorus
Prunella vulgaris
common self-heal 98%
Prunella vulgaris
Salvia coccinea
blood sage 98%
Salvia coccinea
Stachys arvensis
staggerweed 98%
Stachys arvensis
Stenogyne microphylla
native mint 98%
Stenogyne microphylla
Stenogyne sessilis
Stenogyne sessilis 98%
Stenogyne sessilis
Stenogyne calaminthoides
bog stenogyne 98%
Stenogyne calaminthoides
Stenogyne kamehamehae
forest stenogyne 98%
Stenogyne kamehamehae
Stenogyne purpurea
mōhihi 98%
Stenogyne purpurea
Stenogyne rugosa
ma`ohi`ohi 98%
Stenogyne rugosa
Vitex rotundifolia
roundleaf chastetree 98%
Vitex rotundifolia
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