Kōkea Lau Li'i
Myrsine sandwicensis
Primrose family (Primulaceae)
Native species ()
This handsome, much branched, spreading shrub or small tree, with small many crowded dark green spoon-shaped leaves whitish beneath, is found in wet forests at middle to moderately high altitudes through the islands though absent from Kauai. A shrub or sometimes small tree 13–25 ft (4–7 ) high. Twigs slender, light green tinged with pink when young, finely hairy, with two lines below each leaf, turning gray, with raised half-round leaf-scars.
©2011 Forest And Kim Starr
Flowers scattered at leaf bases, 2–8 together on slender stalks of 1⁄8–1⁄4 inch (3–6 ), 1⁄8 inch (3 ) long and wide, composed of of 5–7 minute 5–7 narrow yellowish or reddish petals with reddish dots, 5–7 short inserted on the and with round and dot
() round, 3⁄16–5⁄16 inch (5–8 ) in diameter, purplish black with -dots, with at base and at Seed single, round.
The wood is pinkish yellow with prominent reddish brown providing a prominent figure on all surfaces. It is moderately hard, easily worked and polished, and suitable for cabinet work but not used at present. Used by the Hawaiians as timber for houses and anvils on which to beat tapa. A black dye for tapa was made from the charcoal.
Common and widespread through the islands except Kauai, in wet forests at middle to high altitudes of 1,000–4,800 ft (305–1,463 ).
Special area
Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, and Hawaii only
Other common names
kōlea, Hawaiian rapanea
Suttonia sandwicensis (A. DC.) Mez, Rapanea sandwicensis (A. DC.) Deg. & Hosaka
The pinkish young leaf shoots are sometimes used effectively in leis.